A new approach to personal training and nutrition coaching

Personal Training & Nutrition Coaching

Discover a fresh approach to personal training and nutrition coaching online. Transform your lifestyle and achieve your wellness goals with personalized 1:1 guidance, unwavering support, and science-based methods. You’re here because taking care of yourself is a priority, and we’re here to make that journey as fulfilling, fun and empowering as possible. It’s time to feel your best!

Where We Begin

This is where it all begins.  Whether we are trying to eat healthier, build strength, or improve certain health markers, – if we are not applying the correct methods, we end up feeling defeated. Too often we focus on the goals ahead and forget to be present. We quickly become overwhelmed or lose steam because what we’re doing isn’t supporting our daily lives. For instance, prioritizing eating less food and going hard with cardio when you are overstressed and not sleeping well. We need to focus on your needs, lifestyle, and what you love! Check out exactly how the 22 day starter program works!

The Methods That Matter

 The Methods That Matter Community is Coach Jenn’s private online platform. Membership gives you access to guided content, helpful resources, and the option to work 1:1 or in small groups, depending on the level of support you choose. This platform is designed to run challenges, discussions and courses all in one place. This means you can add on what you need, when you need. Jenn also hosts pop-up webinars, classes & workshops within the online platform. If you’re looking for accountability, science driven modalities, motivation, camaraderie, humor; these are all part of the vibes of this women’s only group!

1:1 Discovery Call

Learn more, share more. Fill out the online form to help Jenn learn more about you! Scheduling a call is your first step towards starting. During your call, you’ll be able to ask questions & learn more about coaching options that fit your availability, budget and goals.

Tell more about you.

Reset & Replenish Challenge

The 14-Day "Anytime" Challenge

Join the 14 day challenge! No harsh exercise or restrictive diets here, we’re approaching wellness with a fresh reset! Metabolism is often blamed for our struggles but rarely are we taught about our nervous system, drainage pathways or hormone disruptors. These things play a massive role in our health! No one teaches us this, until now! We are talking all things women’s health – daily routines, energy & mood boosting recipes, hormone support, reducing toxins (affordably & without fear) and more! BONUS! Purchasing the challenge also includes 1 month free to Coach Jenn’s exclusive women’s online coaching platform! If you love it you can choose to stay a member!

What Clients Have To Say!


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