Meet Frank & The Extreme Team

Wellness Coach & entrepreneur, Jenn Zedaker is about to take you on a hilarious, fitness adventure. From training in big box gyms, to building her in-home wellness haven, Jenn has invested the last decade + to strength training, nutrition and mind body practices. The changes over the last few years in addition to the abundance of information overload we have at the tips of our fingers; the world has changed. Over time, the trials and tribulations Jenn has faced, the idea to create characters started to unfold. What started as casual jokes with clients turned into a full-blown storyboard the summer of 2023. Meet the “Extreme Team”. 5 fictitious social media stars. They are here to #1 first and foremost spread laughter #2 spread awareness to never rely on any platform, no matter how much you love the influencer. Online should be about support & building community. Even with their mistakes you can’t help but love them. These characters remind us that even when we’re not the best, bravest, or coolest by other’s standards, at the end of the day, we can still appreciate each other for all our weirdness, funny quirks and difference of opinions. The story unfolds as we are being introduced to each of our “influencers”. Frank kicks it off with his hard to miss hippie hair, soft expressions and smooth moves. His favorite mobility tool is his “limber stick” & his best friend is his newly adopted pittie. You can expect intros to 4 more characters, in no specific order, Jenny, Chad, Jessica, and Lily Lotis. Each character incorporates the wellness industry extremes paired with humor & real-life experiences of Jenn. She stresses that no character is based off an actual person. They have been built overtime, using a combination of personal experience & society stigmas and stereotypes. After coaching for years in person, Jenn is shifting online to reach more women than ever. Her hopes is to spread laughter in a time the world needs to come together more than ever. Online Program Opening March 2024! Instagram Follow along!

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