
Meet Frank & The Extreme Team

Wellness Coach & entrepreneur, Jenn Zedaker is about to take you on a hilarious, fitness adventure. From training in big box gyms, to building her in-home wellness haven, Jenn has invested the last decade + to strength training, nutrition and mind body practices. The changes over the last few years in addition to the abundance of information overload we have at the tips of our fingers; the world has changed. Over time, the trials and tribulations Jenn has faced, the idea to create characters started to unfold. What started as casual jokes with clients turned into a full-blown storyboard the summer of 2023. Meet the “Extreme Team”. 5 fictitious social media stars. They are here to #1 first and foremost spread laughter #2 spread awareness to never rely on any platform, no matter how much you love the influencer. Online should be about support & building community. Even with their mistakes you can’t help but love them. These characters remind us that even when we’re not the best, bravest, or coolest by other’s standards, at the end of the day, we can still appreciate each other for all our weirdness, funny quirks and difference of opinions. The story unfolds as we are being introduced to each of our “influencers”. Frank kicks it off with his hard to miss hippie hair, soft expressions and smooth moves. His favorite mobility tool is his “limber stick” & his best friend is his newly adopted pittie. You can expect intros to 4 more characters, in no specific order, Jenny, Chad, Jessica, and Lily Lotis. Each character incorporates the wellness industry extremes paired with humor & real-life experiences of Jenn. She stresses that no character is based off an actual person. They have been built overtime, using a combination of personal experience & society stigmas and stereotypes. After coaching for years in person, Jenn is shifting online to reach more women than ever. Her hopes is to spread laughter in a time the world needs to come together more than ever. Online Program Opening March 2024! Instagram Follow along!

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NEW Location!

New Location! Get comfortable inside the gym, without the audience. Step inside the newly renovated studio to be transported into your very own private gym. You’ll find all you need and more – dumbbells, squat rack, cables, bumper plates, TRX, benches and more. Not sure what all of that even is? That’s ok!  It’s everything you need to grow your skill set and confidence. Come learn compound movements like deadlifts, squats, and push ups.   In addition to all the equipment you need, you’ll be lead by certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, Jenn Zedaker. Jenn holds multiple certifications including strength, mobility, corrective exercise, post/prenatal,  functional nutrition and more.   The new studio is conveniently located in Macungie, off of route 100.  By appointment only. Currently accepting new clients.   Previous Next

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November Spotlight!

Quartz Yoga & Wellness Studio November 2020 What services/program do you offer? At Quartz Yoga & Wellness Studio we offer yoga and mindfulness classes for adults and children of all levels (in studio and online), BollyX fitness classes, meditation/essential oil workshops, Ladies Night which is a fantastic way to bond with local community members, Herbalism classes and so much more. We have a passion for serving in any way that we can and love to bring in local contractors that want to share their gifts within our community. Our wellness spa is dedicated to holistic healing treatments. Our Radiant Health infrared sauna is able to be booked for thirty or forty five-minute sessions. Our IonCleanse detox foot baths are available to be booked for twenty-minute sessions. The owner of Quartz is a licensed Esthetician so our holistic facials will be back soon! Our spa treatments work to support mind, body and soul. Quartz is the perfect space to let the outside world just melt away. Our hope is that as soon as you step foot inside our doors you are able to heal, ground and harmonize. Leaving with a renewed sense of self, ready to take on the world! Who do you feel benefits the most from your services/program?  Our services are geared toward our community as a whole. We did our best to bring in wellness spa treatments that are for just about everyone. We know the benefits of detoxification and after many years of focusing on our own health and state of mind, we knew that we had to bring all of this to Pennsburg. As far as our studio classes and workshops go, we also do our best to bring in something for everyone. A quote that we say all that time is, “as long as you are breathing with intention, you are doing your yoga practice”. We feel that yoga is for everyone. Now of course, level of practice will vary, but if you come to our studio with an open mind and a loving heart, you will personally experience the life changing effects of an established yoga and mindfulness practice. We are here to guide you and show you the way. Each workshop is geared toward bonding with yourself and others, inner peace, healing, expanding your knowledge and overall wellness. The contractors that join us come from all walks of life and have so much to offer. We feel SO fortunate to be able to hold space for those that choose to join us. Where did your passion to help others comes from? I have always wanted to help people. I felt this urge that was never satisfied until we opened our doors on February 7th, 2020. From a very small age I daydreamed of professions that would enable me to be of service. I had this longing that I began to fulfill when I chose to go to school to further my knowledge in the services and classes that I loved the most. I spent my twenties traveling and working very hard, so I could add as much as possible to my “toolkit”. Everything that our studio offers has my stamp of approval because I know how much joy and inner healing everything that we offer brings. Our studio also features a handful of extremely talented instructors from all walks of life. We are so grateful to have their expertise and passion for all that they share with us on a weekly basis.” If you could have any superpower what would it be? Ohh this is a tough one. I would say, to heal everyone that I come in contact with. Mind, body and soul. What is your favorite way to de-stress? Baking, reading a good book, yoga, deep breaths, mindfulness and meditation. What is one habit you have implemented or adopted that has helped you?  Deep breathing! No matter where I am or what I am doing, I do my best to always come back to my deep inhales and exhales. It makes the joyous moments that much more joyful and the tough moments that much easier to work through. It is absolutely incredible how much Pranayama (breath work) can change your day-to-day life. Meet the Founder, Courtney! Wellness Spa Beautifully restored studio Wonderful updates each week on Facebook! What piece of advice/insight might you offer to someone reading this?  Start where you are. Give yourself credit for showing up, each and every day. Be present with everything that is going on in your life and know that it will constantly change. Change is good! At the end of the day, anything outside of us is out of our control. The more we can work on ourselves and find internal happiness, the more our lives will be filled with peace. Put your best effort forward and let go of the results. You cannot ask for more than that. What is the best way to reach out to learn more about your offerings? Our website is filled with information and online scheduling for classes and most workshops. For wellness spa appointments or to book private yoga classes/workshops, you can send an email to Email is the best way to reach us! You can also find us on Facebook at Quartz Yoga & Wellness Studio or Instagram at quartzorganics. You can feel free to call the studio at 267-313-4631. We will return your call within 24-48 hours. We hope to see you soon! Learn More Website Facebook-f Instagram Link

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This is Your Clean Slate

This Is Your Clean Slate What if you could erase the idea of fit and start all over? What if I handed you a clean slate and said, rewrite the norm? When we think of fitness what comes to mind? – skinny, abs, athletic, small waist? When you say these words, they become much more. They are images, expectations, standards, boxes we try to squeeze ourselves into. We see cellulite, extra weight, lose skin, wrinkles – and all these things leave us feeling flawed. But have you ever stopped and asked yourself where we got these ideas? You don’t have to look far to see it, hear it, feel it; every single day we experience it. I recently started reading “Untammed” by Glennon Doyle (love it!) and she talks about reading the body wash bottles in the shower. The boys bottle reads, “3 xs bigger, doesn’t rob you of your dignity, armor up in man scent” – all in bold writing as if screaming at you. Then her daughter’s bottle, “alluring, radiant, gentle, touchable, light, enticing” written in flowy fonts. (Doyle, p12) Even in the shower you can’t get away from societies expectations.  How unfair is it to be told “this is your box, this is your mold, fit inside here; this is where you need to be!” But is it really where you’re meant to be? No, no it is not. Cellulite or skinny does not tell the story of your health. Some of the sickest, fighting for their life individuals are skinny. Some of the strongest, healthiest individuals have cellulite. The truth it, we can be of all shapes and sizes and that does not define our health. Think about the science – resting heart rate, movement, & stress management. New moms should be encouraged to focus on their pelvic floor and overall wellness. Sleep deprived mamas should not be struggling to pick up their babies because they worked out so hard and just want to lose baby weight. Pre and post menopause women should be inspired to lift weights and increase their bone density, not live in chronic calorie deficits, starving because their bodies are changing.  And every day men and women should be focusing on their daily movements like bending, lifting, squatting. Working toward supporting their body that works so hard. Not trying to get a “perfect body” when they’re back, hips and neck are constantly in pain.   So to you I say this, ask yourself, in your perfect world, what would fitness look like to you? What would make the quality of your life better every day? Imagine how good that would feel. Write it down, work towards it and always remember fitness is not a number on the scale or fragranced body wash. Fitness is what allows you to perform your best at work, play with your kids and grandkids, and overcome obstacles. Be gentle, be kind and treat yourself well. This is your clean slate. Facebook Instagram Pinterest

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Breakfast and Lunch Boards

Breakfast & Lunch Boards I Was Sick of Dishes! I stumbled onto these breakfast and lunch board completely on accident. In all honesty, I was sick of dishes!  We had been home for over a week in this lock-down/quarantine and meals were getting pretty boring. I would make lunches, the kids would come out, eat, and go back to play or do some kind of school work. Spirits were low and we were all missing our “normal” routines. I knew the kids were missing the social time at school. I felt bad, but I couldn’t exactly replicate a cafeteria full of kids! :/ So there I was, in the kitchen making everyone’s lunches when I had the idea to pile it all on the cutting board. If I used one big board, no one needed any dishes! I thought I was a genius! Then I realized how many options I could add without making huge portions. So I added a little here, a little there and before I know it, it became this beautifully, yummy crafted lunch board. What came next what amazing! Gather Round! After I finished, I called the kids out. They were like little zombies slowly dragging themselves to the table. But when they sat down their sad little eyes lit up as they noticed how different lunch looked. They took inventory of what was on the board. Their excitement grew as they saw some of their favorites but equally didn’t panic when they saw something they didn’t like. They knew we were sharing and it was most likely not “for them”. In fact, because they got to pick whatever they wanted, both boys decided to try guacamole! They saw their big sister eating it and chose to give it a try. They both wanted to like it, but I don’t think they’ll be asking for their own anytime soon lol. It was fun to watch them try it though! By the end of the meal, our bellies were full and our spirits were high. We laughed and we enjoyed each others company. It was all around a great experience. It was exactly what they needed. A social, relaxed atmosphere. Since then, they request snack boards a couple times a week. Its a way to pause the daily schoolwork grind and come together. We’ve continued to experiment and even did a breakfast board. They’ve never complained because there is always something they enjoy! I hope you will try your very own. Be sure to tag @jzfitcoach and show me your creations! There are so many options and variations you can make 🙂  Board Ideas Previous Next Its easy to create your own.Here is how and how we used in our boards. Left Over Smorgasbord! (Easter left overs)  1 1/2 PB&J sandwiches 5 ham and cheese crackers 1 banana and 4 strawberries cut up & 2 clementines 2 celery stacks cut and sliced thin “Ants on a Log” – celery with peanut butter and raisins Buffalo Dip – went great with celery! Breakfast Board Sunshine in a cup! Packed with vitamin C smoothie- Splash of orange juice, 1 cup almond milk, 2 tbsp organic vanilla yogurt, big handful organic spinach, 1 cup organic strawberries and 1/2 cup pineapple (no banana) 1 large smoothie, split 3 ways  2 kiwis and 1 orange cut up   6 scrambled cheesy eggs   2 gluten free bagels, toasted and cut into 4’se Lunch Board Hard-boiled eggs – sliced Tuna Salad Crystal Farms Wrap cheese with tuna and ham; cut in 1/2 Gluten Free Crackers & pretzel sticks Almonds Guacamole (Pre-made) Spinach and lettuce to wrap carrots and gauce Pinterest Pinterest Jenn Zedaker is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. She loves to create and share content via her blog & monthly newsletter. Using her education, experience and passion you’ll find fun workouts, delicious recipes, and helpful eBooks! All geared to help you live a happy and healthy lifestyle!

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Rainbow Fruit Board

Food Board Colorful fruit makes this St Patrick’s Day treat sweet and fun! Best part is it’s healthy and doesn’t take big portions to create! It’s very flexible in terms of switching out what fruits you use. You could even make a veggie rainbow. Build up the rainbow as much as you like to feed your family. This tray fed 3 kids and myself. I started with picking which fruits I wanted. This included chopping and washing each one. When I was ready to put the board together everything was ready to go and it only took a few minutes. Bonus, fruits like pineapple and cantaloupe were cut up and ready for the rest of the week! Rainbow Ingredients:  1/2c Pineapple 1/2c Strawberries 1/3c Cantaloupe 1 Kiwi sliced Handful Blueberries Whip cream clouds for the rainbow Cloud and Sun Ingredients: 1/2 Banana for the clouds 1/2 Orange slices for sun You can substitute any fruit you’d like! Raspberries, clementines, apples, so many options. You could also make mini rainbows over a bowl of yogurt or cottage cheese. Facebook Instagram Pinterest

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