
NEW Location!

New Location! Get comfortable inside the gym, without the audience. Step inside the newly renovated studio to be transported into your very own private gym. You’ll find all you need and more – dumbbells, squat rack, cables, bumper plates, TRX, benches and more. Not sure what all of that even is? That’s ok!  It’s everything you need to grow your skill set and confidence. Come learn compound movements like deadlifts, squats, and push ups.   In addition to all the equipment you need, you’ll be lead by certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, Jenn Zedaker. Jenn holds multiple certifications including strength, mobility, corrective exercise, post/prenatal,  functional nutrition and more.   The new studio is conveniently located in Macungie, off of route 100.  By appointment only. Currently accepting new clients.   Previous Next

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10 Ways to Get Out of the Pandemic Funk

10 Ways to Get Out of the Pandemic Funk When I think of spring this year, I have this picture in my mind. We are walking, one by one, out of a dark cave. Hands cupped over our eyes to shield the bright sun, we emerge disheveled & unsure. Majority of us are in oversized sweatpants and pajamas. (ok some of us have a nice shirt on for zoom calls) But we are tired, unsocialized, and feeling a mix of excitement & anxiety that the world is opening back up.  It’s been over a year of hibernation. We look around and although it’s the same world, it’s very different. Life has changed. There are some who never left. They’ve hit a new level of exhaustion we didn’t know existed. As happy as we are to escape, we immediately grow uneasy. Some of us haven’t worn “real clothes” in months, we haven’t seen friends in a long time. Can we even see them now? We tense up from all the unknowns. We feel uncomfortable in our own skin. The discomfort whispers “you can’t do this, go back” and we freeze in our tracks. If you can relate with this picture, covid has undoubtedly pushed its way into many aspects of your life.  As a result, we are experiencing a spring like never before. Fear creeps in daily. The last year has been down right traumatizing.  As hard as it feels, remember this, you are not alone. These changes didn’t happen overnight, it’s been over a year of masks, isolation, and restrictions that have wedged their way between us and our old life.   Clearly, it’s time to make changes. Don’t step backwards! Try to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Whether you want to lose weight or incorporate an active lifestyle, just take small steps – tangible, applicable baby steps. You – can – do – it! Be gentle with yourself, start slow. Move a little more in the right direction every day, rest assured, you will make it happen.  I believe in you. Click through below Buy 1-2 new outfits to feel more comfortableDon’t torture yourself with clothes that don’t fit. You’re more likely to get up and get moving if you aren’t spending every second adjusting uncomfortable clothes.Trash your wornout “pandemic outfit”The old sweatpants, baggy shirt, busted looking pajama pants, you know the outfit I’m talkin about – let. it. Goooo! Better yet, have a bonfire and burn them.Take walks every single dayWalking is one of the most underutilized ways to reduce stress, aid in digestion and improve overall health. Start small and add a little more each day.Easy on the caffeine Caffeine suppresses your appetite which has a negative trickle down effect – over eating later in the day, sugar spikes and crashes in energy. It can also put you in a deeper exhaustion if used when you’re already tired.Build a morning routinePick three positive ways to start the day. Such as: Drink a glass of water upon waking up Write or say aloud 3 things you are grateful for Move your body – jump, stretch, dance; you won’t even need that coffee Get your blood pumpingMini workout, walk, jog, dance, no movement is too small. This can help boost serotonin and help you feel great!Hack your happiness chemicals Pet a dog, get some sun, hug someone for more than 15 seconds, (probably a solid plan to pick someone you know).Take up an old hobby/activity you used to loveHike, paint, sing, what is something you haven’t done in a while that you used to love? Give it a try. Activate your parasympathetic nervous systemsRelax those shoulders away from your ears, meditate, get a gentle massage, practice mindful breathing – this system is responsible for relaxing and digesting. We need this downtime to combat stress.Crush your sleep.This is a non-negotiable point. If you are struggling to lose weight, feeling stressed out, anything feels off – this is where you want to start. Previous Next Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Email

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We Woke Up In A Shutdown World

We Woke Up In A Shutdown World About 7 weeks ago, the world shutdown. We were left with nothing but our thoughts. It was like this blood curdling scream that came with no noise. We had so many questions. Mortality lurked as we stayed glued to the news. “What’s the death toll in Italy?” “What are the symptoms?” The days passed, then weeks. Every event coming up, gone; our little comforts like hair appointments and coffee shops, gone, every piece of our “normal routine” just gone. This unknown, very uncertain reality was uncomfortable to say the least. But as grim as it seemed, we woke up in a shutdown world.  Many are calling this a great awakening.  We are teaching our families how to use zoom & stay connected through video chat. We are drinking coffee “with” friends in our trunks. We are parading in our cars to celebrate birthdays & loved ones to tell them they matter. We are placing hearts in our windows to show complete strangers we appreciate them. We are supporting businesses by adapting to online orders and curbside pickups. We are sharing toilet paper and baby wipes. We are emptying kennels across the country. We are grocery shopping for neighbors and making face-masks. We are planting seeds & taking care of the earth. We are learning without even realizing it, that it is in our nature to fill our time with kindness and gratitude. We are choosing to find purpose and meaning even when our jobs, our schools, and our freedom don’t exist in these moments.  This shutdown has taught us a lot. People will make face masks out of anything. We love our freedom. We aren’t as anti-people as we thought we were, we’d probably hug a complete stranger at this point.  “Essential workers” are true heroes. We touch our faces A LOT. Teachers are magical beings. When the days of hugging and handshakes come back, we will appreciate them so much more. There is so much we will appreciate more. In the meantime, don’t give up. Each day may be different, some better than others, but when your hope is fading, or sadness it upon you, remember this. There are people out there rooting for you. There are people who would love to hug you who don’t even know you. And there is a lot more good in this world then we thought. Here’s to celebrating kindness, gratitude and love and carrying it on long past our days of shutdown. Jenn Zedaker is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. She loves to create and share content via her blog & monthly newsletter. Using her education, experience and passion you’ll find fun workouts, delicious recipes, and helpful eBooks! All geared to help you live a happy and healthy lifestyle! Facebook Instagram Pinterest

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Breakfast and Lunch Boards

Breakfast & Lunch Boards I Was Sick of Dishes! I stumbled onto these breakfast and lunch board completely on accident. In all honesty, I was sick of dishes!  We had been home for over a week in this lock-down/quarantine and meals were getting pretty boring. I would make lunches, the kids would come out, eat, and go back to play or do some kind of school work. Spirits were low and we were all missing our “normal” routines. I knew the kids were missing the social time at school. I felt bad, but I couldn’t exactly replicate a cafeteria full of kids! :/ So there I was, in the kitchen making everyone’s lunches when I had the idea to pile it all on the cutting board. If I used one big board, no one needed any dishes! I thought I was a genius! Then I realized how many options I could add without making huge portions. So I added a little here, a little there and before I know it, it became this beautifully, yummy crafted lunch board. What came next what amazing! Gather Round! After I finished, I called the kids out. They were like little zombies slowly dragging themselves to the table. But when they sat down their sad little eyes lit up as they noticed how different lunch looked. They took inventory of what was on the board. Their excitement grew as they saw some of their favorites but equally didn’t panic when they saw something they didn’t like. They knew we were sharing and it was most likely not “for them”. In fact, because they got to pick whatever they wanted, both boys decided to try guacamole! They saw their big sister eating it and chose to give it a try. They both wanted to like it, but I don’t think they’ll be asking for their own anytime soon lol. It was fun to watch them try it though! By the end of the meal, our bellies were full and our spirits were high. We laughed and we enjoyed each others company. It was all around a great experience. It was exactly what they needed. A social, relaxed atmosphere. Since then, they request snack boards a couple times a week. Its a way to pause the daily schoolwork grind and come together. We’ve continued to experiment and even did a breakfast board. They’ve never complained because there is always something they enjoy! I hope you will try your very own. Be sure to tag @jzfitcoach and show me your creations! There are so many options and variations you can make 🙂  Board Ideas Previous Next Its easy to create your own.Here is how and how we used in our boards. Left Over Smorgasbord! (Easter left overs)  1 1/2 PB&J sandwiches 5 ham and cheese crackers 1 banana and 4 strawberries cut up & 2 clementines 2 celery stacks cut and sliced thin “Ants on a Log” – celery with peanut butter and raisins Buffalo Dip – went great with celery! Breakfast Board Sunshine in a cup! Packed with vitamin C smoothie- Splash of orange juice, 1 cup almond milk, 2 tbsp organic vanilla yogurt, big handful organic spinach, 1 cup organic strawberries and 1/2 cup pineapple (no banana) 1 large smoothie, split 3 ways  2 kiwis and 1 orange cut up   6 scrambled cheesy eggs   2 gluten free bagels, toasted and cut into 4’se Lunch Board Hard-boiled eggs – sliced Tuna Salad Crystal Farms Wrap cheese with tuna and ham; cut in 1/2 Gluten Free Crackers & pretzel sticks Almonds Guacamole (Pre-made) Spinach and lettuce to wrap carrots and gauce Pinterest Pinterest Jenn Zedaker is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. She loves to create and share content via her blog & monthly newsletter. Using her education, experience and passion you’ll find fun workouts, delicious recipes, and helpful eBooks! All geared to help you live a happy and healthy lifestyle!

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Easter Snack Bar

Easter Snack Bar It’s been almost 4 weeks that we’ve been at home 24/7. One beautiful thing about being home I have discovered is the ability to create moments together. Yes, there is sibling fighting, some days A LOT. But in between all the chaos are these little experiences we get to build so our kids have fond memeories of what is now a scary time. We get to create this safe little bubble & coming up with new ideas is fun. My absolute favorite part of this all was the chatting they are did while they made them. Snack time was turning into random in and out of the kitchen here and there. This brought us all in at the same time and allowed us to spend time together. They giggled, debated over which candy they wanted and mixed and matched their bowls. It was fun to sit back and watch them enjoy the experience. Kids can be picky or have food allergies (yes to both in this household) and that makes feeding them all the same thing difficult on most days. Every holidays I always make up fun snack mixes. In the summer I make smore themed mixes to get them excited about fires. In the fall I’ll do silly Halloween theme mixes. But this time I opted to let the kids make their own individual batches. I was able to have both the gluten free & nut options. They really appreciated it. It was a big hit! The fun part about this idea is it opens up so many other cool ideas. You could make a fruit bowl bar, smoothie bar; the sky is the limit! We ran out of plain chex so I improvised with popcorn. It’s not my favorite but it worked. This is not a great option if you want the mix to last more than a day or two either. For this batch we used: Popcorn Pretzels (Regular & Gluten Free) Almonds Cheddar Bunnies Cadbury Egg Minis Sweet Tart Chews Marshmallows  If you notice the measuring cups in the background these helped portion the kids snacks. They could only use the big cups on the popcorn and pretzels. I used tiny little cups for the candy (1/8 cup) This allowed them to add their own without any arguments of “I want more”. I just simply said how many scoops and they went to town. They never even batted an eye! I also limited to picking one type of candy. Once they made a small bowl and mixed the remaining ingredients into 2 batches. (one gluten free) It wasn’t messy and super easy.  Hope you enjoy this fun snack! What would you use in your snack bar? One idea I had, was to create stations for each snack. Then you could teach stations of the cross. It would be an engaging and positive way to talk about Easter and why we celebrate. Happy Easter & many blessings to you and your family.

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Family Movie Night!

Family Movie Night Previous Next This game was inspired by wanting to bring something familiar to a rather unfamiliar time. This quarantine has been hard on the kids. Movie nights are fun but so is going to the movie theater. The whole experience for kids to get their tickets, order popcorn and favorite candy is fun. So that’s exactly what they got to do and they loved it! I hope your kids will as well 🙂 What you’ll need: Printer, scissors and glue Special treat, popcorn, and drinks. You can make your own menu! You could add your “menu items” to a chalk board or dry erase board instead of printing. Play money (we used our monopoly game money and it worked perfect!) Prior to movie: Print and cut movie tickets. I glued them together. If you want to create your own, I used Canva template “Gold and Black Classic Movie Ticket”. I then added our family name and a few funny details. (see above) Print and prepare menu. I made a big batch of popcorn and bought mini canned sodas, & $1 candy boxes at the store. All snacks and entrees were picked from what we already had. You could omit that part if you already had dinner or make it as fancy as you want.  How to play: 1. Line up popcorn, drinks, and candy so they see their options.  2.  Give each child 20 “dollars” (again we used monopoly money) and let them pick their items. They have to figure out how much they can buy, which is also why I came up with the combos to see how they could best spend their money. 3. Each child has to “buy a ticket” and tell you how much change they are owed. 4. Next, have each child order their drink, snacks etc and add up what they owe you. Then, have them figure out what change you need. You can let them take turns playing different roles. 5. Enjoy a family movie! There are so many available to stream or you can watch an old classic.  Download Printable HERE These times are stressful but our kids still deserve to have some fun and a bit of normalcy! Fitness and health is about mental health just as much as the physical health. You can add in smoothies or fruit bowls, any healthy additions to your menu as you’d like. I opted to go more “movie theater” style then overboard on healthy. Make the experience fun and change it up to best suite your family 🙂 Facebook Instagram Pinterest

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Rainbow Fruit Board

Food Board Colorful fruit makes this St Patrick’s Day treat sweet and fun! Best part is it’s healthy and doesn’t take big portions to create! It’s very flexible in terms of switching out what fruits you use. You could even make a veggie rainbow. Build up the rainbow as much as you like to feed your family. This tray fed 3 kids and myself. I started with picking which fruits I wanted. This included chopping and washing each one. When I was ready to put the board together everything was ready to go and it only took a few minutes. Bonus, fruits like pineapple and cantaloupe were cut up and ready for the rest of the week! Rainbow Ingredients:  1/2c Pineapple 1/2c Strawberries 1/3c Cantaloupe 1 Kiwi sliced Handful Blueberries Whip cream clouds for the rainbow Cloud and Sun Ingredients: 1/2 Banana for the clouds 1/2 Orange slices for sun You can substitute any fruit you’d like! Raspberries, clementines, apples, so many options. You could also make mini rainbows over a bowl of yogurt or cottage cheese. Facebook Instagram Pinterest

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Is Exercise A Luxury?

January is a month of new beginnings. Perhaps this last year is one you’d like to leave behind and forget. Maybe it was wonderful. No matter what 2019 brought you, I hope this new year brings you the motivation and inspiration to choose yourself. The year you focus on your health, stay determined and make life-long habits. Because if no one has told you lately, you deserve it.

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